Example of Automatically Sending Emails and Surveys

Rules can automate some of your marketing efforts.

Assume, for example, that you want to send a message to all new customers in a specific geographic area to let them know about a new store opening in their region. To accomplish this, your contact rule might look like this.

This image shows an example of the options you might select to create a contact rule. Options: If Contact State/Province equals “MT”, Then Send Marketing Email “Press releases” and “New Bozeman Store HTML”.

Sending a survey is similar. The next image shows an incident rule that sends a customer support satisfaction survey when an incident is solved.
Note: The survey will only be sent to the contact once per incident, regardless of how many times the rule is matched.

This image shows the incident rule options you might select to send a customer support satisfaction survey when an incident is solved. Options: If Incident Status equals “Solved”, Then Send Transactional Survey “Closed Incident Survey” after “+ 1 Minutes”.

Tip: We recommend setting the survey to send at least +1 minute after the incident is solved. Otherwise, if you leave the setting to its default value of zero hours, the customer might receive the survey before they receive the Incident Solved notification.