Workspace and Script List Box, Menu, Option, and Text Box Controls

List box, menu, option, and text box controls give you the ability to trigger workspace rules, script rules, script branches, or workflows from agent selections or text entries.

List box, menu, option, and text box controls differ only in the type of input they accept from your agents and are added to workspaces in the same way you add any other control. However, with the exception of the text box control, you need to add entries to these controls that agents can select before the controls are useful.

Note: The values entered in these controls are not saved in the record being edited. These controls are intended for use only with workspace rules, script rules, script branches, and workflows.

After you add menu and list entries or options to the controls, you can create rules that are triggered when agents select the entries or buttons, or when they enter certain text in a text box. You can also add rule conditions based on the value of these controls. See Workspace Rules.

You can specify options on the Design tab for the list box, option, and text box controls to change their behavior or appearance. For definitions of the options for these and other controls, see Workspace and Script Controls.