Workspace Rules

The efficiency provided by custom workspaces can be extended even further using workspace rules.

Note: Workspace rules are not available for multi-edit workspaces.

Workspace rules are an automation layer used to set properties for different workspace items based on actions and conditions occurring in the workspace. Workspace rules can save your agents a lot of time by simplifying or completely automating routine tasks. For example:

  • If your workspace contains a lot of fields and controls, you can use rules to show only the information that is relevant based on the type of interaction, the data being entered, or the identity of the contact or agent.
  • If a specific tab on the workspace correlates to a specific incident category, you could add a rule that focuses a specific tab based on the category value when the editor loads.
  • If agents are required to select from a certain subset of dispositions when solving incidents, you could create a workspace rule to make the Disposition field required and hide several of its items when incidents are set to Solved.
  • If incidents are escalated among groups based on product and profile, you could add a rule that sets the Assigned field to a specific group based on the product value selected and the profile of the logged-in staff member when a certain button control is clicked.

With every few clicks you save your agents, you help them become more efficient. Over time, automating your most repetitive tasks can help your team avoid distraction and better focus on the task at hand—assisting your customers.