Overview of Workspace Rules

With workspace rules, you can dynamically adjust the display, behavior, and values of fields and controls on a workspace based on staff member actions. (Workspace rules are not available for multi-edit workspaces.)

Workspace rules are created and managed on the Service Console for staff actions taken on the agent desktop and the Agent Browser UI. However, not all workspace rule elements are supported on the Agent Browser UI.

Each rule is triggered by one or more events and conditions you define, and can result in one or more actions, including the following.

  • Set the value of a field.
  • Set the required status of a field.
  • Make a field or control read-only.
  • Show or hide a field or control.
  • Show only a select group of menu items.
  • Open a guided assistance guide (if Guided Assistance is enabled).
  • Open a specific script (if Agent Scripting is enabled).
  • Create a named event to trigger another workspace rule or a script rule.

In simplest terms, a workspace rule is basically a “when-then” statement you use to control the behavior of fields and controls on your workspace, such as:

  • When the status is changed, then make the Product field required.
  • When the disposition is changed, then make the Status field noneditable.

At a basic level, each rule defines a triggering event and a resulting action that will occur after the event is triggered. In some cases, you may find that the triggers available for rules are not precise enough to address a specific business need. You can make a rule more restrictive by adding conditions under which the event will trigger an action. If conditions are specified in a rule, actions will be triggered only if those conditions are met. For example, your rule could state that when a button is clicked, if the status is Unresolved, assign the record to the logged-in staff member. The button click is the triggering event, but the Unresolved status is the condition under which that event will trigger the action after the button is clicked.

There are two types of actions: Then and Else. Every rule has at least one Then action, which is the result of the triggering event and conditions. However, after conditions are specified for a rule, you can also add one or more Else actions. An Else action is triggered in cases where the rule conditions are not met. For example, a rule could state that when the status changes, if the value of the status is Solved, make the Disposition field editable, or else make the Assigned field editable. In this case, when the rule is evaluated, the Assigned field will be made editable if the record status has not been set to Solved.

Caution: Since business rules are checked after workspace rules, changes made to a record by workspace rules can be overridden by business rules if the rules have similar actions.

Workspace rules can be created and managed from two locations on the workspace designer ribbon. Clicking Rules on the Home tab gives you an overview of all the rules for the workspace. This is helpful if you need a quick look at all the rules that impact the workspace behavior. You can also add, edit, delete, and order all the rules on the workspace from this location. If you want to know which rules are associated with a specific field on your workspace, you can select the field on the design space, then click the Rules tab to view a filtered list.

The Rules button and Rules tab are available only when workspace rules are enabled. For information about enabling workspace rules, contact your Oracle account manager.