Workspace Rules Tab

As with the Rules button on the Home tab, you can also view, add, edit, delete, and order any of the rules from the Rules tab.

Rules Tab

Field Description
Current Selection

Click this drop-down list to view a hierarchical listing of all the items on the workspace design space. Selecting an item from the hierarchy will select it on the design space.

Show Details

Click this button to view the properties of the selected item.


Click this button to remove the selected item from the workspace.

Contextual Button

One or more contextual buttons may also display in the Selected Object button group, depending on the item selected. Click these buttons to modify item properties based on the selected item.

Add Rule

Click this button to open the Rule Wizard where you can add a rule.

Filter List

Click this button to filter the visibility of rules in the list.

Rules Triggered by this Object

Click this button to list only rules that use the selected item in the rule triggers.

Rules that Reference this Object

Click this button to list only rules that use the selected item in the rule triggers, conditions, Then actions, or Else actions.

All Workspace Rules

Click this button to list all rules configured for the workspace.

Rule List

This area lists the rules that match the filter selected from the Filter List button.

You can scroll the rule list using the up and down arrows on the scroll bar. You can expand the list by clicking the Expand Fields button at the bottom of the scroll bar.

Edit Rule

Select a rule in the rule list and click this button to edit the rule.

Delete Rule

Select a rule in the rule list and click this button to delete the rule.

Move Up

Select a rule in the rule list and click this button to move the rule up one position in the list to reorder the rules.

Rules with the same trigger run in the order listed.

Move Down

Select a rule in the rule list and click this button to move the rule down one position in the list to reorder the rules.

Rules with the same trigger run in the order listed.