Add a Workspace Rule

You create rules using the Rule Wizard, which you can open from the Rules tab or from the Rules button on the Home tab.

With some exceptions, the method used to create workspace rules is the same as that used to create script rules. The procedures to create rules from the Rule Wizard can also be used when creating script rules.
  1. On the open workspace, click the Home tab and click Rules to open the Rules window.
  2. Click Add Rule. The Rule Wizard opens.
    The top of the wizard displays five buttons—Triggers, Conditions, Then Actions, Else Actions, and Properties. You can create the rule by clicking each button and adding items to the rule description.
  3. Select one or more triggers to fire the rule.
  4. Click Conditions to add conditions that determine whether the triggering event will result in an action.
  5. Click Then Actions to define the actions that should occur if the conditions are met.
  6. Click Else Actions to define the actions that should occur if the conditions are not met.
  7. Click Properties and type the name of the rule in the Rule Name field.
  8. Enter any notes you want to add to the rule in the Notes field.
  9. To deactivate the rule, clear the Active check box.
  10. Click Finish.