Common Functionality Ribbon

All items that appear on the content pane—reports, explorers, and records—display a ribbon at the top of page, just below the Oracle logo button at the top left of the console.

The ribbon has tabs and buttons that let you work with a report, an individual record in the report, or an item in the explorer tree. Buttons are organized into groups, and each tab may include several groups.

Click any ribbon tab to display the buttons for that tab. Or, with your mouse or other pointing device positioned anywhere in the ribbon, scroll down to move one tab to the right. Scroll up to move one tab to the left.

Some buttons on the Home tab contain an arrow, including Open, New, Print, Copy, Assign, and Delete. Clicking the arrow rather than the button displays a list of associated records you can take the action on instead of the incident, which is the default record that the action applies to. For example, if you click Open, the incident that you have selected on the content pane opens. If you click the arrow on Open, a menu displays the records you can open (incident, contact, organization, or mailing) that are associated with the selected incident.

Some tabs, buttons, and groups always appear on the ribbon no matter what displays on the content pane. Others are content dependent. That is, they change to reflect what appears on the content pane and the allowable actions for that report, explorer item, or record.

Note: If nothing opens on the content pane when you log in, the ribbon is empty except for the Home tab. See Change Your Navigation Pane Settings to see how to define what opens on the content pane when you log in.

When you want to display a larger section of a report and do not need access to the ribbon, you can easily minimize it. You will still have access to the tabs and buttons you need.

  • To minimize the ribbon, double-click any tab with focus or press Ctrl+F1.
  • To restore the ribbon, double-click any tab or press Ctrl+F1.
  • To display and click buttons on a tab without maximizing the ribbon, just click that tab.