In addition to setting absolute field values for date, date/time, integer, text, and text area fields, you can set relative values.

When setting a value for one of these field types, clicking the Value drop-down list presents additional options for adding or subtracting (or appending or prepending) a value to the previous value of the field. For example, you can increment the value of an integer field by 1 or append text to a contact text field. For date and date/time fields, you can also set a value relative to the time of action, such as adding one day to the current date and time.

Options for setting relative field values vary by field type.

Relative Field Value Options

Field Type Value Options


Add or subtract a number of days or weeks to or from the previous value or the current date.


Add or subtract a number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks to or from the previous value or the current date and time.


Add or subtract an integer value to or from the current value.

Note: The resulting value cannot be greater than the maximum value defined for the field or less than the minimum. Therefore, the maximum value you can add or subtract is the maximum value minus the minimum value of the field. For example, if the field maximum is 8 and the field minimum is -8, the maximum value you can add or subtract from the current value is 16.

Text Field

Prepend or append a text value to the current text value.

Text Area

Prepend or append a text value to the current text value.