Edit Set Fields Attributes

The following procedure describes how to edit Set Field attributes from a workflow.

  1. From your open workflow, select a Set Fields element on the canvas.
    The Element Tools tab displays on the ribbon.
  2. Click a button in the Working Record button group to select the record containing the field you want to set.
    The working record label is updated with the name of the selected working record.
  3. If more than one record of the selected type is open in the record pool, click a button on the right of the Working Record button group to select the record containing the field you want to set.
    Tip: For a menu of available records, click Expand Working Records below the scroll bar in the Working Record button group.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit. The Set Fields window opens.
    • Double-click the Set Fields element.
  5. Click Add Field to add a field to the element.
  6. In the Fields column, click the Select a Field drop-down list, expand the appropriate table, and select the field you want to set.
  7. In the Value column, enter the value that you want to set the field to.
    Note: In addition to setting explicit (absolute) values, you can set relative values for some field types by adding or subtracting (or appending or prepending) a value to the previous field value. See Relative Field Values.
  8. To remove a field you have added, click Remove in the Action column.
  9. Click OK.
    The field and value you selected display in the text box next to the Edit button.
  10. To display a confirmation message when the field is set, click Confirmation Message and enter the message.
  11. Click OK.