Best Practices for Editing Set Fields Attributes

This topic describes best practices for avoiding field conflicts when editing set field attributes.

The Set Fields element is used to set values for one or more fields in the working record. After you add the Set Fields element to your flow diagram, you must edit its attributes to select the working record containing the field you want to update and the value you want to set it to.

When setting multiple field values, pay close attention to the order in which you are setting them. Remember that some fields in the record you are updating may also change dynamically due to rule configuration or a functional dependency on other fields.

This consideration is particularly important when updating certain key fields in Opportunity Tracking. The following fields should be set in this specific order based on how the values are related to one another.

  1. Schedule
  2. Quote Total
  3. Grand Total
  4. Discount
  5. Forecast

For example, quote totals often vary based on the schedule that has been selected. If you change the value of the Schedule field, the Quote Total field value will be reset. So, if you are setting values for these two fields, be sure to apply the schedule before setting the quote total. Also, the discount value and the forecast should be specified after the grand total has been set. By setting these fields in the correct order, you can avoid setting fields incorrectly due to overriding functional dependency.