Edit Workflow Attributes

The Workflow element is used to open the working record in an embedded workflow.

After you add the Workflow element to your flow diagram, you must edit its attributes to associate it with a new or existing workflow. You must also select the working record that will be opened in the embedded workflow.
Note: If you want an embedded workflow to return to the primary flow, it must contain at least one Return element. See Return Attributes.
  1. From your open workflow, select a Workflow element on the canvas.
    The Element Tools tab displays on the ribbon.
  2. Click a button in the Workflow button group.

    The name label is updated with the name of the selected workflow.

    Workflow Attributes

    Button Description

    Select Workflow

    Click this drop-down list to select a workflow to embed in the current workflow.

    New Workflow

    Click this button to create a new workflow.

    Edit Workflow

    Click this button to edit the selected workflow.

  3. Click a button in the Working Record button group to select the record you want to open in the workflow.
    The working record label is updated with the name of the selected working record.
  4. If more than one record of the selected type is open in the record pool, click a button on the right of the Working Record button group to select the record you want to open in the workflow.
    Tip: For a menu of available records, click Expand Working Records below the scroll bar in the Working Record button group.