Overview of Add-Ins

The desktop add-in framework lets application developers add custom components, or add-ins, to Oracle B2C Service to integrate with other applications on staff members’ workstations.

Add-ins are uploaded using the Add-In Manager. From the manager, you can provide or deny access to individual add-ins for each profile and interface. Staff members who are granted access to use add-ins will have the necessary add-in files downloaded to their workstations. For information about managing add-in permissions through profiles, see Profiles. For information about creating add-in files, see Desktop Add-Ins Developer Guide.

Note: In severe cases, a malfunctioning add-in can prevent the Service Console from functioning properly and can even prevent administrators from logging in to remove the malfunctioning add-in. If this occurs and you are required to exit the administration interface without completing the normal logout process, the system notifies you the next time you log in that Oracle B2C Service did not exit properly the last time, and asks if you want to log in using safe mode. Safe mode temporarily disables your add-ins, allowing you to log in and remove the malfunctioning add-in.