Revoke OAuth Access Tokens

You use the Manage Access Tokens editor to revoke OAuth access tokens.

Before you start

You must add the Manage Access Tokens component to the configuration list for the Configuration button, for example to the Common tree. See Create a Navigation Set for the Administrator.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Common, then double-click Manage Access Tokens.
    The Search window opens.
  3. Enter or choose search terms, then click Search.
    Access tokens are displayed in the list.
  4. Click the Revoke link in the Action column to revoke a token.
    That token can no longer be used to makes REST API calls.
  5. Click the Unrevoke link to make the token valid again.
    You can unrevoke tokens as long as they have not expired.