Contacts Tab Toolbar

This table describes the Contacts tab toolbar buttons.

Contacts Tab Toolbar

Button Description
Add Click this button and select one of the following options to add a new or existing contact to the opportunity.
Add New Select this option to display the New Contact window. After creating and saving the new contact, the contact is added to the contact list for the opportunity.
Add Existing Select this option to display the Contact Search window. After finding and selecting the existing contact, the contact is added to the contact list for the opportunity.

Your administrator can add a secondary report to the Contact Search window. This feature is especially useful for displaying all contacts associated with an organization when you add a contact to an organization’s opportunities.

Open Click this button to open the selected contact.
Print Click this button to print the selected contact.
Copy Click this button to copy the selected contact.
Delete Click this button to permanently delete the selected contact.
Remove Click this button to remove the selected contact from the opportunity (without deleting the contact).

This does not delete the contact from the knowledge base. It just disassociates the contact from the opportunity.

Email Click this button to send an email to the selected contact.
Set Contact Role Click this button to open the Set Contact Role window. To add a contact role, do the following:

Click the Contact Role drop-down list and select the role the contact has in this opportunity.

Click OK to close the Set Contact Role window. The contact role displays in the Contact Role column on the contact list.

Because contact roles are specific to Opportunity Tracking, you can add or edit a contact role only while adding or editing an opportunity.

Options Click this drop-down list to choose report options.