Edit Details Tab Information

Fields on the Details tab are used to collect additional completion and win/loss information for your opportunities and are useful for reporting purposes.

  1. From an open opportunity, enter field information.

    Details Tab

    Field Description
    Completion Data This section contains fields for selecting forecast close information and completion dates for the opportunity.
    Forecast Close To change the date the opportunity is forecasted to close, enter a date or click the calendar and select a new date from the calendar.
    Date Closed To change the date an opportunity closes, enter a date or click the calendar and select a new date from the calendar.
    Closed Value To change the closed value for the opportunity, type a new value in this field.

    The Closed Value field is associated with the Exchange Rates calendar. After you select a date within a specific exchange period, the calendar defaults to the start date of the specific exchange period after you close the calendar. The type of currency that appears in the Closed Value field depends on the default currency defined in your staff account. However, you can change the default in File > Options > Personal Settings.

    Win/Loss Data This section contains fields for selecting win/loss reasons for the opportunity.
    Win/Loss Reason To change the reason an opportunity was won or lost, click this drop-down list and make a selection.
    Win/Loss Description This field lets you provide additional information about why an opportunity was won or lost. If you need to change it (for example, to make the description more specific), enter your changes in this field.
    Lost To change the date that an opportunity was lost, type a date or click the calendar and select a new date from the calendar.
    Opportunity Competitors Click this drop-down list and select the competitors that were also pursuing the opportunity.
    Note: A check box and an option appear next to each competitor in the drop-down list. You can select multiple check boxes to show that multiple competitors are involved, but you can select only one option to designate the primary competitor.
    Other Data This section contains fields for entering miscellaneous data about the opportunity.
    Date of Initial Contact To change the date that initial contact was made with the customer, enter a date or click the calendar and select a new date from the calendar.
    Source This field displays the source of the opportunity’s creation in B2C Service.

    This is a read-only field.

    Recall To change the reminder date that you should contact the customer, enter a date or click the calendar and select a new date from the calendar.
  2. Click Save.