Edit Key Opportunity Fields

After you understand the role of statuses, strategies, and forecasts, you can complete the opportunity fields to update your opportunities.

Required fields are labeled with an asterisk next to them. Remember that you can’t save an opportunity without completing all of the required fields.
  1. From an open opportunity, enter field information.

    Opportunity Fields

    Field Description
    Flag icon Click this button to add or change the priority notifications for the opportunity.
    *Opportunity Name Enter the name of the opportunity in this field.
    *Status Click this drop-down list and make a selection to change the opportunity’s status. See Opportunity Statuses.
    Strategy Click this drop-down list and make a selection to change the opportunity’s strategy. See How You Use Sales Strategies.
    *Stage Click this drop-down list and make a selection to change the opportunity’s stage. See How You Use Sales Strategies.

    The options in this field depend on the strategy assigned to the opportunity.

    Rep Forecast Enter a new value to change your monetary forecast for the opportunity. See Forecast an Opportunity.

    The Rep Forecast field is associated with the Exchange Rates calendar. After you select a date within a specific exchange period, the calendar defaults to the start date of the specific exchange period after you close the calendar. The type of currency that appears in the Rep Forecast field depends on the default currency defined in your staff account. However, you can change the default in File > Options > Personal Settings. See Change Your Personal Settings.

    *Rep Commit Click this drop-down list and select Yes to commit to closing the opportunity in the defined sales period.

    This drop-down list is not active until a value is entered in the Rep Forecast field.

    Summary Enter a summary about the opportunity.
    Contact Click this button to add a primary contact to the opportunity. If a primary contact is not associated with an opportunity, an organization must be associated. Although many contacts can be associated with an opportunity, only one of them can be designated as the primary contact.
    Caution: If you use the Search button on the Contact field to add a contact to the opportunity when a primary contact for the opportunity already exists, the existing primary contact is removed from the opportunity and replaced with the new primary contact.
    Organization Click this field to add an organization to the opportunity. If an organization is not associated with an opportunity, a primary contact must be associated.

    Only one organization can be associated with an opportunity.

    Assigned Click this drop-down list to re-assign the opportunity to another sales representative. The list of staff members that displays in the drop-down list is the same list that displays in the Salesperson field of the contact record. See Add or Edit Contact Information.

    Also be aware that because of the account hierarchy in Opportunity Tracking, if a manager account is disabled, that manager’s name continues to display as read-only in the Assigned drop-down list of the opportunity workspace. This allows staff members who reported to that manager to display underneath the former manager until another manager is designated. Refer to Staff Management.

    Tip: Use the Find field at the bottom of the Assigned drop-down list to quickly find staff members. Wildcards are supported when searching staff members. You can search strings that include a space by entering %+Space+character, which is helpful when searching last names. For example, typing %+Space+b returns all last names starting with the letter b. There is also an implied wildcard when searching, so typing b in the Find field returns all items containing the letter b.
    Territory Click this drop-down list to re-assign the opportunity to another territory.
    Manager Forecast Enter a new value to change the manager forecast for the opportunity. See Forecast an Opportunity.

    The Manager Forecast field is associated with the Exchange Rates calendar. After you select a date within a specific exchange period, the calendar defaults to the start date of the specific exchange period after you close the calendar. The type of currency that appears in the Manager Forecast field depends on the default currency defined in your staff account. However, you can change the default in File > Options > Personal Settings.

    *Manager Commit Click this drop-down list and select Yes to commit to closing the opportunity in the defined sales period.

    This drop-down list won’t be active until a value is entered in the Manager Forecast field.

  2. Click Save.