Change Your Personal Settings

This topic describes how to change your staff account settings using the Personal Settings option.

Some personal settings apply to options in your staff account and some settings apply to local settings, the interface defaults in B2C Service. Any staff account changes you make from the Personal Settings option will also be made to the corresponding settings in your staff account.
  1. Click File and select Options > Personal Settings.
  2. Select from the options listed.

    Personal Settings

    Field/Button Description
    Notification Options This section contains options for changing how you receive notifications.

    Changes you make here will also be made to the corresponding settings in your staff account.

    Send Email Notification Select this check box if you want an email sent to your default email client (your external email application) when you receive a notification while you aren’t logged in to B2C Service. An email will be sent to your email client the first time a notification is delivered while you’re logged out. Subsequent notifications won’t generate an email until you log in and out of the system.

    This check box is disabled if you don’t have an email address specified in your staff account. In addition, you must select this check box in order to select the Send Detailed Email Notification and Notify Always check boxes that follow.

    Send Detailed Email Notification Select this check box if you want an email containing detailed information sent to your default email client (your external email application) when you receive a notification while you aren’t logged in to B2C Service. An email will be sent to your email client the first time a notification is delivered while you’re logged out. Subsequent notifications won’t generate an email until you log in and out of the application.
    Notify Always Select this check box if you want to receive an email for every event that triggers a notification even if you’re logged in to B2C Service.
    Display Toast Notifications Clear this check box if you don’t want to receive notifications in a desktop alert, often referred to as “toast notifications.” By default, when you log in to B2C Service, you receive a desktop alert listing new notifications. The message displays for several seconds in a window on the lower right of the screen. See Notifications.

    This is a local setting and an interface default setting.

    Localizations Options in this section let you change settings that apply when you add certain records such as opportunities.

    Changes you make here will also be made to the corresponding settings in your staff account.

    Default Country Click this drop-down list to change the default country in your staff account. United States is the default.
    Default Currency Click this drop-down list to change the default currency in your staff account. U.S. Dollar is the default.
    Time Zone Click this drop-down list to select the time zone in which you’re working.

    This setting doesn’tnot apply to all staff members and therefore may appear.

    Email The option in this section lets you edit your email signature.
    Email Signature If you have an email address specified in your staff account and the permission to customize your signature, make your changes in this text box.
    Application Behavior Options in this section let you select application behavior settings.
    Automatically Sign Out when Last Console is Closed Select this check box to prevent the Exit message from displaying when you close the last console or select Exit on the file menu.

    This is a global setting stored on your workstation and applies to all the interfaces on this site that you can access.

    Always Correctly Refresh Editors when Application is Resized Clear this check box to ensure that editors load faster on the console. This option displays only when B2C Service is installed on 64-bit operating systems.
    Note: This option is designed to compensate for a Windows limitation when resizing one or more windows on 64-bit operating systems. However, when this option is enabled, which it is by default, you may experience more screen flickering and editors may load more slowly. Also, be aware that when you clear this option, editors that have been resized may not refresh properly.
    Disable Rich Client Visual Experience Select this check box to use software rendering instead of hardware rendering on the console display.

    This option is effective if you have limited hardware, such as a slow graphics card, which might cause repainting or display issues. However, if you have adequate hardware, selecting this check box may slow down operations.

    Local Data This section contains options for resetting your local settings and refreshing your local cache.
    Reset Local Settings Select this check box to reset local settings to the interface defaults.
    Rebuild Local Data Cache Select this check box to remove your local cache entries and request current copies from the server.
    Authentication The option in this section lets you change the password for logging in to your application.
    Change Password Click this button to change your password. See Change Your Password.
  3. Click OK.