Application Options

After you become familiar with the agent desktop, you may want to customize certain areas based on your personal preferences and what works best for you.

You can change settings specific to your staff account that are reflected when you add certain records to the knowledge base, change your password, and customize how the navigation pane, content pane, and tool windows display. Click File and select Options on the left. The application options display on the right.

Application Options

Option Description
Personal Settings Select this option to change settings in your staff account and certain local settings. See Change Your Personal Settings.
View Options Select this option to change how information displays on the content pane, including content pane tabs; change the color and tint of the interface; and display the date, server time, and time zone in the status bar. See Change Your View Options.
Navigation Pane Select this option to change the order of the buttons on the navigation pane, change the number of items that display in the recent items list, and choose what displays on the content pane when you log in. See Change Your Navigation Pane Settings.
Tool Windows Select this option to choose which tool windows (Recent Items, Navigation, and Quick Search) are visible. See Change Tool Window Visibility.
Add-Ins Select this option to view the list of add-ins that are active (enabled) for your profile and the interface you’re logged in to. Inactive add-ins also display in the list. See View Add-Ins Enabled for Your Profile.
Communication Center Select this option to customize your chat notification settings. See Chat for Agents, Supervisors, and Customers.

Chat must be enabled for the Communication Center option to be available.

Reset Tool Windows Select this option to return the tool windows to their default locations.

You can also return tool windows to their default locations by selecting the Reset Local Settings check box in your personal settings. See Change Your Personal Settings.