Change Your View Options

As you become familiar with your application and navigating the console, you may want to change the way information displays on the content pane.

By default, when you open an item, it appears in full window display. You can change the default content pane display to a split window or pop the content pane in a new window. You can also change the placement of the content pane tabs, change how information displays in records, change the interface color, and display date, time, and time zone in the status bar.
Tip: All view options are local settings.
  1. Click File and select Options > View Options.
  2. Select from the view options listed.

    View Options

    Field Description
    Appearance The options in this section apply to the interface color.
    Color Scheme Click this drop-down list to change the interface color scheme.
    Tint Click this color box to select a tint for the interface color. You can also define a custom color.
    Content Pane View Mode This section contains options for changing how information displays on the content pane.
    Full Screen Leave the default, Full Screen, if you want the report or item to appear in full window display.
    Split Window Select this option to display your items in a split window. In split window, explorers always open on the top half of the window and all other items open on the bottom. Drag the divider in the middle of the content pane up or down to show more of one record or item.
    Display Content Editors in Popup Windows Select this option to pop the content pane in a new window. For instance, if you add a record or open one to edit, the record opens in a separate window. Selecting this option applies to the next editor you open, not any that are currently open.

    Selecting this option places the window on top of the console, which prevents the window from disappearing behind other applications, but you must close the window before returning to work on the console. As an alternative to this option, you can undock administration and workspaces editors from the console and work between the console and a separate window without having to close the window first. See Content Pane Tabs and Record Workgroups.

    Content Editors This section contains a setting for changing how records display on the content pane.
    Display Content Editors in Expanded Mode Select this check box so you can scroll through all of a record’s fields rather than clicking tabs to access specific field information.
    Content Pane Tab Alignment This section contains options for choosing where the content pane tabs appear.
    Top By default, content pane tabs display at the top of the content pane.
    Bottom Select this option to display content pane tabs on the bottom of the content pane.
    Status Bar This section contains options for displaying the server time and time zone in the status bar.
    Show Server Time in the Status Bar Select this check box to display the date and server time in the status bar of the console.

    Selecting this check box enables the Display Time Zone check box so you can select that option as well.

    Display Time Zone Select this check box to display the time zone next to the server time in the status bar.
    Show Recent Items in Fields By default, recent items display in workspace menus and search fields. For example, if a contact record is opened from an incident, the contact displays under Recent when you click in the Contact search field of the incident record. Clearing this check box prevents recent items from displaying in workspace menus and search fields.
  3. Click OK.