Change Tool Window Visibility

In addition to manually closing tool windows from the navigation pane, you can also change tool window visibility from your application options.

  1. Click File and select Options > Tool Windows.
  2. Clear the check box next to any tool window you want to hide. All tool windows are visible by default.
  3. Click OK.
    Tip: You also have the option to add a custom tool window to the Service Console. Using the NAVPANE_CUSTOM_WEB_CONTROL_URL configuration setting (RightNow User Interface/Tool Bar/General), you can embed a web page on the navigation pane. After you add a fully qualified domain name in the Value field, a Custom Web Control tool window will display in the Tool Window Visibility list. However, you must select the check box in the list in order to display your custom tool window on the console. You can then move it just like any of the default tool windows.