Available Actions from the Recent Items List

The records and items you’ve recently opened are listed in the Recent Items tool window.

Records and items are grouped into four categories, including Pinned, Today, Yesterday, and Older. Only the categories that have recent items display (for example, if only one record or item was opened today, the Today category will be the only one listed in the recent items list). By default, the last 10 items you opened are listed, but you can increase or decrease that number if you want. See Change Your Navigation Pane Settings.

Tip: Configuration items aren’t tracked in the recent items list.

You can double-click an item to open it or right-click an item to display additional actions. Unlike navigation lists, which require a profile permission for certain actions, all staff members can perform the actions from the recent items list.

Available Actions from Recent Items

Right-Click Available Actions
Open Select this action to open the item on the content pane.
Copy Tooltip to Clipboard Select this action to copy the item’s tooltip to the clipboard. You can then insert the tooltip in another record or item. Tooltips vary according to the item or record type. For instance, an incident tooltip contains the reference number, subject, contact name, contact ID, contact email address, contact phone number, and organization name; the tooltip for an answer contains the answer summary, answer ID, language, and answer access levels; and the tooltip for a mailing contains the mailing name.
Copy Text to Clipboard Select this action to copy the item’s name or summary information to the clipboard. You can then insert the text in another record or item. For instance, copying text to the clipboard for an answer copies the text in the Summary field. Copying text to the clipboard for an incident copies the number in the Reference # field. And copying text to the clipboard for a mailing copies the mailing name.
Remove from List Select this action to remove the item from the recent items list.

Recent items also appear in other areas of the product to help you quickly select commonly used items when updating record fields. See How You Search from Open Records and Assign a Record from a Report.