Rebuild Your Local Cache

You can remove your local cache entries while logged in and request current copies from the server without manually deleting the files.

Your local cache files store all option lists data (any data accessed from a drop-down list or menu list, such as customizable menu items) plus additional data such as report and workspace definitions, questions, documents, and standard text. If you aren’t sure whether your local copy of common data matches the data on the server, rebuild your local cache to retrieve the most up-to-date data.
Note: Contact your administrator or supervisor before rebuilding your local cache.
  1. Click File and select Options > Personal Settings.
  2. Select the Rebuild Local Data Cache check box under Local Data.
  3. Click OK.
    A prompt asks you to confirm your request.
  4. Click Yes.
    A progress bar displays on the content pane. After all data is received from the server and written to the cache, the progress bar and window close.