Add or Edit a Staff Account

When you add a staff account, you define the login information for the staff member and associate a profile with the staff member.

Before you start

The following items must be created or configured before creating staff accounts.
When adding or editing a staff account, you can also define a name for the staff member to display in Chat and a signature for responding to incidents. The Staff Accounts editor is also where you enter the default country and currency.

A staff member can send S/MIME email using a signature, encryption, or both. To send encrypted S/MIME email, the staff member must be issued a certificate that is then uploaded to the staff account. Certificates can be obtained from an authorized certification authority and must contain the staff member’s email address. To send signed S/MIME email, the Envelope From/Bounce Address of the outgoing email must be a mailbox address (rather than an individual staff member email address) that includes a certificate and a private key. See How SMIME Security Works.

Note: You can only add 100,000 accounts and you cannot create a duplicate account with the same login credentials.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Staff Management, and the double-click Staff Accounts by Group (or another Accounts report).
    The report opens on the content pane, listing the accounts that have already been created.

    By default, the standard Accounts reports (Staff Accounts by Group, Staff Accounts by Manager, and Staff Accounts by Profile) display only active accounts and accounts that have been temporarily disabled. Accounts that have been permanently disabled are not displayed. To change the accounts displayed, click Search and select the accounts you want to view. When displayed on the report, temporarily disabled accounts are shown in italic text and permanently disabled accounts are displayed in gray text.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a staff account, click New.
    • To edit a staff account, double-click the account on the report.
    The Staff Accounts editor opens.
  4. Enter field information.

    Staff Accounts Editor

    Field Description
    Virtual Assistant Account This read-only check box is selected if the staff account has been designated as the virtual assistant. Only one staff account can represent the virtual assistant.

    For this check box to display, your site must be integrated with Virtual Assistant.

    Although the Virtual Assistant Account check box displays, Virtual Assistant is deprecated and no longer available. For questions, contact your Oracle account manager.

    Non-Contact Center Account Select this check box to designate this user as a non-contact center account.

    For this check box to display, non-contact center user accounts must be enabled. Contact your Oracle account manager.

    User Name Enter the staff member’s user name in this field. Staff members enter their user name on the Login window. User names are case sensitive.
    First Name Enter the staff member’s first name in this field. The first name and last name appear on the Service Console when the staff member is logged in.
    Last Name Enter the staff member’s last name in this field. The first name and last name appear on the Service Console when the staff member is logged in.
    Change Password Click Change Password to open the Change Password window. Enter the staff member’s login password in the New Password field and enter the same password in the Confirm New Password field. Passwords are case sensitive and encrypted. Keep in mind, the length of the hidden password in the text box does not indicate the length of the actual password. Click OK.

    Passwords can be changed by staff members as long as the SSO Login permission is not enabled in the profile assigned to their staff account. If the SSO login permission is enabled, password options on the Staff Account editor are unavailable.

    Password Expires Select this check box to automatically expire the password after the time period specified in the password configuration.
    Force Password Change Select this check box to require staff members to change their password the first time they log in after you update this setting in their staff account.

    This check box remains selected until the staff member changes the password. After the password has been changed, the check box is automatically cleared.

    Invalidate Password Select this check box to invalidate the staff member’s password. Selecting this check box also disables the Change Password button.

    Staff members without a valid password can reset their password from the Login Help link on the Login window. The Invalidate Password check box remains selected until the staff member resets the password. After the password has been reset, the check box is automatically cleared.

    Display Name Enter a name for the staff member that will display in email communications and to customers during a chat session.
    Phone Number Enter the phone number of the staff member in this field.
    Profile Click the Search icon next to this field to open the Profiles window. Select the profile you want to associate with this staff member and click OK.
    Group Click the Search icon next to this field to open the Account Groups window where you assign the staff member to a group.
    Disabled Click this drop-down list to define whether the staff account is disabled. You can choose from the following options.
    • Not Disabled—Select this option to make the account available for assignment to incidents and other types of records and to display the account in report filters. This is the default option.
    • Disabled from Assignment—Select this option to exclude the account from being assigned to incidents and other types of records.
    • Disabled from Assignment/Report Filters—Select this option to exclude the account from being assigned to incidents and other types of records and from appearing in report filters.
    • Permanently Disabled—Select this option to permanently disable the account. Accounts that are permanently disabled display in reports but cannot be re-enabled. The user name of a permanently disabled account cannot be used for a different staff account.

    If an employee leaves your organization, we recommend disabling the employee’s staff account instead of deleting it. When staff accounts are deleted, they no longer display in reports and are not available for use in custom reports used to track staff account actions.

    Account Locked Select this check box to temporarily lock the staff account. You might choose to do this if, for example, a staff member takes a leave of absence. This check box is also selected automatically if a staff member has exceeded the number of invalid logins. Clear the check box to unlock the staff account.
    Default Currency Click this drop-down list to select the currency you want to associate with the staff account. The United States dollar (USD) is the only currency option in this menu until you add others through the Currencies editor.
    Time Zone Click this drop-down list to select the account time zone.

    This drop-down list is unavailable for accounts with any of the following permissions selected for their profile: Administration, Incident Add/Edit, Incident Send Response, Incident Delete, or SLA - Add/Disable/Delete.

    If you wish to change the time zone associated with this staff member’s location, contact your Oracle account manager to have the option enabled. (Note that the option should not be enabled if you are using SLAs.)

    Default Country Click this drop-down list to select the country associated with this staff member.
    Territory Click this drop-down list to select the sales territory associated with this staff member.
    External Screen Pop Port Enter the port number that the system will listen on for external screen pop requests.

    This field displays only if the EXT_CONSOLE_WS_ENABLED configuration setting is enabled on the Configuration Settings editor.

    The EXT_CONSOLE_WS_PORT configuration setting defines the port value for all staff members. However, if a value is specified in the External Screen Pop Port field, that value overrides the value specified in EXT_CONSOLE_WS_PORT.

    Email Address Enter the staff member’s email address. This is required to receive scheduled reports and system notifications.
    Email Notifications Click this drop-down list to select the email notifications the staff member receives when an event occurs, such as an incident being assigned. The following options are available.

    No Notifications—Select this option to prevent email notifications from being sent to the staff member.

    Short Notification Once—Select this option to send a brief email notification when an event occurs and the staff member is not logged in. Subsequent events do not trigger additional notifications until the staff member logs in and logs out again.

    Detailed Notification Once—Select this option to send a detailed email notification when an event occurs and the staff member is not logged in. Subsequent events do not trigger additional notifications until the staff member logs in and logs out again.

    Detailed Notification Always—Select this option to send a detailed email notification for every event that triggers a notification, not just the first one. When this option is selected, the staff member receives email even when logged in.

    Email Signature Enter a signature for the staff account to be appended to incident responses.
    User Can Customize Select this check box to let the staff member customize the email signature. When staff members who have this permission access options from the file menu (File > Options > Personal Settings), they can enter their own signature in the Email Signature field.
    S/MIME Account Certificate Click the Folder icon to find the file containing the public S/MIME account certificate. The certificate must contain the email address of the staff account.

    S/MIME security options are not available for Outreach mailboxes.

    Import untrusted certificates Select this check box to bypass verification that the certificate file being imported or a contact certificate extracted from a signed S/MIME email is signed by a trusted certification authority. The Techmail utility will then import public certificates from S/MIME emails sent to this staff account that are not signed by a trusted certification authority.

    Changing this setting does not affect previously imported and stored certificates.

    Import expired or not yet valid certificates Select this check box to bypass verification of the certificate date for the certificate file being imported or a contact certificate extracted from a signed S/MIME email. The Techmail utility will then accept certificates from S/MIME emails sent to this staff account that have expired or are not yet valid. This setting applies to every certificate in the certificate chain, from the root certificate through any subordinate certificates to the POP3 server certificate.

    Changing this setting does not affect previously imported and stored certificates.

  5. To assign the staff account to a manager, click Department. See Organize Staff Members by Manager.
    The Department editor can also be used to assign staff accounts to groups. In addition, the page displays other staff members assigned to the same group and manager.
  6. To define custom field information, click Custom Fields.
    Any staff account custom fields created in your application will display in the editor.
  7. To enter channel information, click Channels.
  8. To view a log of changes that have been made to the staff account, click Audit Log.
  9. Click Save.