Nonversioned Associated Objects and Answer Fields

If you edit a nonversioned field or object from an answer or answer version, it changes for that answer and all versions of that answer. These lists include fields and associated objects that are not versioned in answers.

Nonversioned Objects Associated with Answers

The following objects are not versioned.

  • Custom fields
  • System attributes
  • Related objects
    • Attachments
    • Notes
    • Products and categories
    • Tasks

Nonversioned Answer Fields

The following fields are not versioned.

Nonversioned Answer Fields

Field Table Column Description
Admin Long-term Score ault_solved_count Long-term solved count for administrative users.
Admin Short-term Score aust_solved_count Short-term solved count for administrative users.
Answer ID a_id Unique ID number of the answer.
Answer Type type Type of the answer: HTML, URL, or File Attachment.
Banner Account banner_acct_id Staff account that last updated the flag.
Banner Flag banner_flag Importance of the flag.
Banner Text banner_text Text added to the flag.
Computed Score solved Answer score.
Date Admin Last Access admin_last_access Date and time a staff member last opened the answer while editing an incident.
Date Banner Flag Last Updated banner_upd Date and time the flag was last edited.
Date Created created Date and time the answer was created.
Date Last Access last_access Date and time the answer was last viewed from the customer portal pages.
Date Last Notify last_notify Date and time a notification was last sent for the answer.
End-User Short-term Score eust_solved_count Customer short-term solved count for the answer.
Escalation Date escldate Date and time that the answer is scheduled to be escalated, or the last time the answer was escalated by answer rules.
Escalation Level escllevel Escalation level of the answer.
Guided Assistance Guide dt_id Guided Assistance ID for the answer.
Language lang_id Language to which the answer is assigned.
Meta-Answer ID m_id ID number of the meta-answer to which the answer is assigned.
Next Notification next_notify Date and time the next answer notification will be sent for the answer, if the answer is modified before the specified date and time.
Position in List position Display position of the answer in the answer list.
Rule State rule_state Rule state of the answer.
Score solved_count Solved count for the answer. This is a measure of how helpful the answer is to users.
Static Score static_solved Static score assigned to the answer. The static score overrides the solved count and is used to determine the answer display position.