Quote Product Editor

This table describes the fields on the Quote product editor.

Quote Product Editor

Field Description
Original ID This read-only field displays the product ID.
Original Name This read-only field displays the product name.
Original Price This read-only field displays the price assigned to the product in the price schedule you selected for the quote.
Original Description This read-only field displays the product’s description.
Adjusted ID Enter a product ID in this field if you want to modify the original ID.
Adjusted Name Enter a product name in this field if you want to change the product’s name in the quote.
Adjusted Price Enter a price in this field if you want to change the original price of the product for this quote. The value you enter appears in the Adjusted Price column on the sales product grid.
*Quantity Enter a quantity in this field if you want to change the default value of 1. Changing this field affects the value of the Total column on the sales product grid.
*Discount Enter a percent discount in this field if you want to change the default value of 0. Changing this field affects the value of the Total column on the sales product grid.
Adjusted Description Enter a description in this field if you want a description other than the original description.
Notes Enter any notes about the product quote in this field.