Add a Quote to an Opportunity

Adding a quote to an opportunity is the first step in preparing a quote.

After you add a quote to an opportunity, you complete the quote fields, add sales products to the quote, and merge the quote data into a quote template.
  1. While adding or editing an opportunity, click the Quotes tab.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter field information.

    New Quote Window

    Field Description
    Name Enter the name of the quote in this field.
    Status Click this drop-down list to select the status of the quote. Default statuses are Unsent, Sent, Queued, Accepted, and Returned.
    Unsent Select this status for quotes that have been created but not yet sent. This is the default status for new quotes.
    Sent This status is automatically selected when a quote is sent to a customer.

    After a quote is sent to a customer, you cannot edit the quote again unless your profile gives you permission.

    Queued Select this status if the quote is waiting to be reviewed.
    Accepted Select this status if the quote has been sent and the customer has accepted it.
    Returned Select this status if the quote has been returned because it needs to be renegotiated or because it was rejected by the customer.
    Schedule Click this drop-down list to select a price schedule to associate with the quote. (Your administrator has added different price schedules based on your organization’s needs.)
    Product list When you select a price schedule, all sales products that are associated with the schedule appear in the product list below the Schedule field. If the products are organized in folders, click the plus sign next to a folder to expand it and show the products within that folder. You can then double-click or drag and drop products to add them to the quote.
    Sales product grid After you select a schedule and add one or more sales products from the product list, the sales product grid displays details about the added sales products. See Sales Products and Quotes.
    Note: Working with sales products in the grid modifies the products only for the quote you are editing and does not change the sales product in the product catalog. If, for example, you discount the product in the sales product grid for a particular quote, the original price is unchanged in the product catalog.
    Adjusted Name This column displays the product’s name.
    Original Price This column displays the product’s price as it is defined in the product catalog for the price schedule you selected.
    Adjusted Price This column displays the adjusted price of the product, which you can edit by selecting a product in the sales product grid and opening it.
    Quantity This column displays the quantity of the product included in the quote.
    Discount This column displays the discount percentage applied to the sales product.
    Total This column displays the total adjusted price for the sales product, taking into account the quantity selected and the discount applied to that specific product.
    Action After a sales product has been added to the list, choose one of the following actions:

    Open—Opens the quote product editor and where you can make changes to the product.

    Delete—Deletes the sales product from the quote.

    Quote Total This read-only field displays the sum of product totals for all the products in the quote. It includes the discounts applied to the specific products in the quote, but it does not include the discount for the entire quote, which you can enter in the % Discount field.
    % Discount Enter the percent discount to be applied to the entire quote, or use the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
    Grand Total This field displays the total price for the quote after the quote discount has been applied.
    Offer Start Date Click this calendar to select the start date for the quote from the current month’s calendar. If necessary, use the arrows at the top of the calendar to move backward or forward by month.
    Offer End Date Click this calendar to select the end date for the quote.
    Quote Document If the quote information has not been merged into a quote template yet, Attach Quote is active. Click Attach Quote to merge the quote with a quote template. See Merge Opportunity and Quote Data into a Quote Template.

    After quote information has been merged into a quote template, this section displays the name of the quote as well as options to edit and delete the quote.

    Notes Enter a description of the quote in this field.
  4. Click OK to close the New Quote window and add the quote to the opportunity.
  5. Click Save.