Opportunities Permissions

Options on the Opportunities tab include permissions for adding and editing opportunities, adding and editing sales periods and quotas, and permissions to access additional features with opportunities and leads.

Opportunities Tab

Field Description


These options define the opportunity and lead permissions for staff members with this profile.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Opportunities/Leads section.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile view opportunities.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit existing opportunities. If cleared, opportunities are read-only when opened and staff members cannot edit fields or send quotes.

Send Quote

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile send quotes with opportunities.

Edit Sent Quote

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit a sent quote.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile delete opportunities. If cleared, the Delete button is not available and staff members cannot delete opportunities.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile add opportunities. If cleared, the New button is not available and staff members cannot add opportunities.

Edit Closed

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile update the closed date and closed value fields of opportunities.

Selecting the Edit Closed check box automatically activates the Read and Edit check boxes if they are not already selected.

Mark Quote as ‘Accepted’

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile select Accepted as the status of a quote when adding or editing quotes. If cleared, the Accepted option is not available.

Reject Leads

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile reject leads.

Edit Sales Period

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile add and edit sales periods, including quotas on the Sales Periods editor. If cleared, staff members cannot access the Sales Periods editor unless their profile has the Administration permission enabled on the Administration tab.


These options determine if staff members can modify notes in opportunity records.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Thread section.

Edit/Delete Notes created by logged in user

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit and delete notes they have added to an opportunity.

Edit/Delete Notes created by any user

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit and delete notes other staff members have added to an opportunity.


The option in this section defines whether opportunities can be assigned to staff members with this profile.

Appear in Menus

Select this check box to display staff accounts associated with this profile in the Assigned drop-down list when adding or editing leads and opportunities, as well as the Salesperson drop-down menu when adding or editing contacts and organizations.