Service Permissions

Profile settings on the Service tab let you define permissions for handling incidents, answers, assignments, assets, SLAs, and guided assistance guides.

They also let you specify the queues staff members can access, the queue rank, pull policies and quantities, and inbox limit. If Chat is enabled, additional profile permissions display on the Service tab. See Add Chat Permissions to a Profile.

Service Tab

Field Description


These options define the incident permissions for staff members with this profile.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Incidents section.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile view incidents.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile add incidents and modify existing incidents. If cleared, incidents are read-only when opened and staff members cannot edit fields or send responses.

Send Response

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile respond to incidents through email. If cleared, staff members can add responses to an incident, but cannot send responses to contacts through email.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile delete incidents. If cleared, the Delete button is unavailable and staff members cannot delete incidents.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile propose incidents as answers. If cleared, the Propose button is unavailable on the incidents ribbon.

Edit/Delete Committed Thread Content

Select this check box to let staff members edit incident-thread content and delete images.

Incident Queues

Select a queue you want to be available for this profile from the drop-down list and click Add (+). If needed, you can then select additional queues to associate with this profile, delete queues, or change their order to reflect queue priority ranking.

Pull Policy

Click this drop-down list to select a pull policy that determines the queues that incidents are retrieved from and their order. The pull policies include:

Manual—Lets staff members manually pull incidents from any queues available to them, allowing them to select a particular queue. Incidents are pulled from the selected queue in order of due date.

Strict priority—Uses the priority ranking of the available queues to determine which queue to pull incidents from, starting with the highest ranking queue. Incidents are pulled from this queue until the staff member’s pull quantity is met, the staff member’s inbox limit is met, or the queue is empty. If the queue is empty before the staff member’s pull quantity is met, then incidents are pulled from the queue with the next highest priority ranking.

First due—Uses the incident due date to determine which incidents to retrieve, pulling incidents that are nearest to their due date first. Incidents are pulled from all the staff member’s available queues in the order of due date until the staff member’s pull quantity is met, the staff member’s inbox limit is met, or all queues are empty. Queue ranking does not affect the pull order.

Pull Quantity

Enter the number of incidents to be retrieved from the queues at one time when a staff member with this profile pulls incidents. The maximum pull quantity is 99.

Inbox Limit

Enter the number of incidents that can be in a staff member’s inbox at one time. The maximum inbox limit is 999.

Pull From Single Round Robin Logged In Queue

Select this check box to specify that staff members with this profile will be assigned new incidents from the same round-robin logged-in queue in which the most recently solved incident originated. When the check box is not selected, all round-robin logged-in queues are considered when assigning incidents.

This setting has no effect when staff members manually pull incidents using the Fill Inbox feature.

Advanced Routing - Incident Queues Click to select the advanced routing incident queue you want to be available for this profile, and click +. After selecting a queue, click the drop-down list to designate it as Primary or Overflow and its order of priority. The queue can be moved up or down in the queue list. If needed, you can then select additional advanced routing incident queues to associate with this profile.

Pull policy must be set to strict priority or first due for advanced routing of incidents.

Advanced routing must be enabled for this option to appear.


These options define the answer permissions for staff members with this profile.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Answers section.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile add and update answers.

With this check box selected, you must also select HTML Design Mode and/or Source Mode.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile delete answers. If cleared, the Delete button is unavailable and staff members cannot delete answers.

Set to Public Status

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile set answers to the Public status and make them available to customers. If cleared, the Public option in the Status drop-down menu is not available when adding or editing answers.

While a staff member without this permission cannot change an answer’s status to Public, existing public answers can still be edited as long as the staff member has the Add/Edit permission.

HTML Design Mode

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create an HTML answer in design mode. If cleared, the Design tab does not display and staff members cannot edit in this mode.

With this check box selected, you must also select Add/Edit.

Source Mode

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile create an answer in HTML source code. If cleared, the Source tab does not display and staff members cannot edit in this mode.

With this check box selected, you must also select Add/Edit.

Answer Thread

These options determine if staff members can modify notes in answers.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Answer Thread section.

Edit/Delete Notes created by logged in user

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit and delete notes they have added to answers.

Edit/Delete Notes created by any user

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile edit and delete notes other staff members have added to answers.


These options define whether staff members with this profile are available for record assignment and whether they can assign records to other groups.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Assignment section.

Appears in Menus

Select this check box to display staff accounts associated with this profile in assignment menus when adding or editing incidents and answers. If cleared, staff members with this profile are not available in the Assigned drop-down list.

Assign to Other Groups

Select this check box to let staff members with this profile assign incidents and answers to other groups. If cleared, the Assigned drop-down list when adding and editing incidents and answers contains only those selections from the staff member’s group.


These options define the asset permissions for staff members with this profile.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the Asset section.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile view assets.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile add assets.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile update existing assets. If cleared, assets are read-only when opened and staff members cannot edit fields.


Select this check box to let staff members with this profile delete assets. If cleared, the Delete button is unavailable and staff members cannot delete assets.

More Options

These options define whether staff members with this profile can apply SLAs and guides to records.

Select All

Select this check box to select all check boxes in the More Options section.


Select this check box to let staff members assign SLA instances to contacts and organizations, and deactivate and delete SLA instances.

Guided Assistance—Add/Edit

Select this check box to let staff members add the guided assistance control to an incident workspace or customer portal pages, and to edit the guided assistance control.

Guided assistance must be enabled to use this feature. Contact your Oracle account manager.