Add Chat Permissions to a Profile

Designate staff members to access Chat.

After you create or edit a profile containing Chat permissions, you can then assign the profile to individual staff members. This lets you designate which staff members have access to Chat. You can assign Chat permissions to one or more profiles based on your organization’s needs.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Staff Management, and then double-click Profiles.
  3. Double-click the profile you want to edit.
  4. Click Permissions.
  5. Click the Service tab and scroll down to Chat permissions.
  6. Enter field information.

    Chat Profile Settings

    Field Description
    Chat Agent Permissions Select the Select All check box to select all options in the Chat section.

    If you do not want agents having full chat permissions in their profile, you must clear the check boxes next to the functions you do not want agents to access.

    Chat Select to let staff members with this profile chat with customers.
    Supervisor Select to let staff members with this profile have supervisory permissions in Chat.
    Monitor Select to let supervisors with this profile monitor other agents.

    This check box cannot be selected unless the Supervisor check box is selected, as monitoring can be performed only by supervisors.

    Conference/Transfer to Other Groups Select to let staff members conference with agents in other groups and transfer customers to agents in other groups.

    Agents can always conference with agents in their own group and transfer customers to agents within their own group.

    Pull Chat Select to let agents pull chats from the wait queue.

    By default, the chat server automatically pushes chat requests to agents. If the Pull Chat check box is selected, a corresponding pull policy must be selected so that chat requests are offered to agents when they click Request Chat on the Live Media bar.

    Allow Decline Select to let agents with this profile manually decline chat requests.

    If Allow Decline is selected, but Auto Decline is not, chats will automatically be assigned to agents if they click X on the top of toast invitations. To decline chats, agents must click Decline on toast invitations.

    Auto Decline Select to let the system automatically decline chat requests when the toast notification expires.

    The chat toast expiration timeout can be configured through the CHAT_ALERTFORM_AUTOCLOSE_TIMEOUT configuration setting.

    Set Max Active Chats Select to allow agents to set the Maximum Active Chats field to a value up to and including the number entered in the associated Max Active Chats field. See Change Your Chat Options.
    Set Delay Between Chats Select, and in the associated Delay Between Chats field enter the number of seconds that elapse before a new chat is presented to an agent.

    The value set in this field determines the value that displays in the Stagger Incoming Chats field on the Options window.

    Edit Select to let staff members edit existing chats.
    Delete Select to staff members delete chats.
    *Max Active Chats Enter the maximum number of active chat sessions that a staff member can be engaged in. The minimum value for this field is 1, the maximum value is 11, and the default value is 3.
    *Max Total Chats Enter the maximum number of total chat sessions, both active sessions and those that are in wrap-up mode, that a staff member can be engaged in. The minimum value for this field is 1, the maximum value is 20, and the default value is 3.
    *Delay Between Chats Enter the number of seconds that elapse before a new chat is presented to an agent.
    Virtual Assistant Profile This read-only check box is used to designate the profile for use with virtual assistant initiated chat requests.
    Video Chat Select to designate the profile for use with video chat. Video chat must be enabled and is only available on the Agent Browser UI. Agents using video chat must also have Agent Browser UI permission.
    Enable Advanced Routing Select to designate the profile for use with advanced routing.
    Chat Queues Click to select the chat queue you want to be available for this profile, and click +. After selecting a queue, the queue can be moved up or down in the queue list. If needed, you can then select additional chat queues to associate with this profile.

    An agent must be assigned to a chat queue to log in to Chat and accept chat requests from customers.

    Pull Policy Click to select a pull policy that determines the queues that chat requests are retrieved from and their order.

    Strict priority—Uses the priority ranking of the available queues to determine which queue to pull chats from, starting with the highest ranking queue. Chats are pulled from this queue until the staff member’s active session limit is met or the queue is empty. If the queue is empty before the staff member’s limit is met, then chats are pulled from the queue with the next highest priority ranking.

    First due—Uses the order that chats were requested to determine which chats are sent to staff members. The first chat requested is the first chat pulled from a queue. Chats are pulled from all the staff member’s available queues in the order the chats were requested until the staff member’s maximum session limit is met or all queues are empty. Queue ranking will not affect the pull order.

    Advanced Routing - Chat Queues Click to select the advanced routing chat queue you want to be available for this profile, and click +. After selecting a queue, click the drop-down list to designate it as Primary or Overflow and its order of priority. The queue can be moved up or down in the queue list. If needed, you can then select additional advanced routing chat queues to associate with this profile.
    Chat Agent Statuses This section contains panels for moving chat agent statuses between the Available and Assigned lists. Chat agent statuses are added through the Chat Agent Statuses editor.
    Available The Available list displays chat agent statuses that are not available to agents on the Agent Status drop-down list found on the Live Media bar. Select a status and click Add to move the status to the Assigned list.
    Assigned The Assigned list displays chat agent statuses that are available to agents on the Agent Status drop-down list found on the Live Media bar. Select a status and click Remove to move the status to the Available list.

    By default, Logged Out–Unspecified is selected so agents are not automatically logged in to Chat when they log in to B2C Service. Select Available–Unrestricted to automatically log agents in to Chat (and make them available) when they log in to B2C Service.

  7. Click Save.

What to do next

Before agents can use Chat, you must assign a profile containing chat permissions to their staff accounts. See Add or Edit a Staff Account.