Add or Edit a Chat Session Queue

Chat session queues, when used with profiles and business rules, enable automatic sorting of incoming chats based on contact, organization, product, category, and custom field information.

A wireless communications organization, for example, might have agents that specialize in different types of sales products or services. You could add chat session queues such as cell phones and wireless service. You would then create profiles that let agents access the different queues and assign the appropriate profile to your agents based on their area of expertise.
Tip: The following chat configuration settings are not interface specific; the setting in the primary interface takes precedence:
Setting each configuration setting in additional interfaces to the same value as the primary interface avoids confusion. See Overview of Multiple Interfaces.
Business rules, which perform actions on incoming chat requests based on specific conditions, can be used to automatically assign incoming chat requests to specified chat session queues. This ensures that chat requests are routed to the appropriate agent based on the agent’s skill set. See Overview of Business Rules.
Note: If you try to delete a chat session queue that is used in a business rule, a message displays the rules that depend on the queue. Before you can delete the chat session queue, you must first edit the rules so they no longer use the queue.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Customizable Menus.
    The Customizable Menus tree opens on the content pane.
  3. Click the arrow next to the System Menus folder to expand the list.
  4. Click Chat Queues to display the editor.
    Chat has one default chat session queue named Default Chat Queue. The name of the default queue can be changed, but the queue cannot be deleted. All incoming chat requests are routed to the Default Chat Queue unless new queues are added and business rules are implemented to route chats to the new queues.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To add a chat session queue, click New to display the editor.
    • To edit a chat session queue, click it in the list.
  6. Enter the name of the chat session queue in the Label field.
    When using multiple-language interfaces, you must enter the name in the Label field in the language of the interface.
    The same name is added to the Label field in the Interface Visibility section.
  7. To designate the queue for use with advanced routing of chat requests, select the Advanced Routing check box and enter field information. See How You Configure Advanced Routing for Chat.

    Advanced Routing Settings

    Field Description
    Starting Minimum Score Enter a value from 0 to 5 for each skill. Incoming chats will be first routed to those agents meeting this score.
    Lowest Minimum Score Enter a value from 0 to 5 for each skill. Only agents meeting this minimum skill level can be assigned chats from this queue.
    Relax Score Requirement After Enter a value in seconds for the queue. The score requirement will be relaxed after the time you specify. Skills are relaxed at the queue level. A value of 0 seconds disables skill relaxation.
    Score Decrement Amount Enter the score value from 1 to 5 for each skill to be decremented when it meets the relaxation time.
    Overflow Timer Enter a value in seconds after which the chat will be routed equally to agents assigned the queue as a primary or an overflow. Overflow will be disabled if this field is set to 0, and the queue will be treated as a primary queue.
  8. To designate the queue for use with third-party-initiated chat requests, select the External check box.
    The read-only VA Enabled check box is used to designate the queue for use with virtual assistant initiated chat requests.
  9. To change the order in which chat session queues display on the editor, select the queue, and click Move Up or Move Down.
  10. Click Save.