How You Configure Virtual Assistant

If your site is integrated with Oracle Virtual Assistant (Virtual Assistant), you can route incoming chats to a virtual assistant.

For complete information about Virtual Assistant, see Using Virtual Assistant.
Note: Virtual Assistant is deprecated as of May 2021. See Answer ID 11887.

Using virtual assistant chats, you can ease the volume of chats requiring an agent. Many customer questions can quickly be answered with existing information in the knowledge base. Agent chats and virtual assistant chats can be initiated, routed, and tracked through the Service Console.

Note: The Virtual Assistant component must be enabled in both B2C Service and Virtual Assistant. Contact your Oracle account manager.

After Virtual Assistant is enabled, you need to perform the following steps so incoming chats can be routed to the virtual assistant.

  1. Assign the Virtual Assistant Edit permission to your profile—You will need this permission in order to configure the virtual assistant for your application. See Add Virtual Assistant Edit Permissions to a Profile.
  2. Add the Virtual Assistant editor to a navigation set—All configuration takes place on this editor. See Add the Virtual Assistant Editor to a Navigation Set.
  3. Create the virtual assistant profile, account, and chat queue—In this step, you will define the virtual assistant name that will display to customers during a chat and the chat queue that will handle incoming chats and escalation. After you fill in this information and save it to the database, the virtual assistant profile is created automatically. See Create a Virtual Assistant Profile, Account, and Queue and Add or Edit a Chat Session Queue.
  4. Create chat rules to route virtual assistant chats and escalate virtual assistant chats to agents when necessary. Upon escalation, you can view a complete transcript of the virtual assistant chat leading to a smooth transition from virtual assistant to agent. See Route Chats to Virtual Assistant for steps to create rules.