Add or Edit a Chat Agent Status

An agent’s status describes his or her availability to chat with customers and assists supervisors and other agents with their chats.

Although Chat contains default chat agent statuses, you can create custom agent statuses and associate them with either the Available or Unavailable status type. While working in Chat, agents can change their status as necessary. By default, Chat has five chat agent statuses that are assigned to three chat status types.
  • Available—The Available status type signifies that the agent is available to chat.
    • Unrestricted—The Unrestricted status indicates that there are no restrictions to an agent’s availability to chat.
  • Unavailable—The Unavailable status type signifies that the agent is not available to chat.
    • Unqualified—The Unqualified status indicates that the agent did not specify a reason for being unavailable to chat.
    • In Meeting—The In Meeting status indicates that the agent is in a meeting and is not available to chat.
    • On Break—The On Break status indicates that the agent is on a break and is not available to chat.
  • Logged Out—The Logged Out status type is restricted to the Unspecified chat agent status type and cannot be modified.
    • Unspecified—The Unspecified status indicates that the agent is logged out of Chat. This chat status does not display to staff on the Agent Status drop-down list.

The default chat agent statuses may be enough for your organization. However, if additional chat agent statuses will help you more accurately determine the status of agents, then you can add them.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Customizable Menus.
  3. Click the arrow next to the System Menus folder to expand the list.
  4. Click Chat Agent Statuses to display the editor.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To add a chat agent status, click New to display the editor.
    • To edit a chat agent status, click it in the list.
    The In Meeting and On Break default chat agent statuses and custom chat agent statuses can be deleted.
  6. Enter the name of the chat agent status in the Label field.
    The same label is added to the Label field in the Interface Visibility section.
  7. Click the Status drop-down list and select a status type. The options include Available, Unavailable, and Logged Out.
    After you save a chat agent status, you can change its label but not its status.
  8. To change the order in which chat agent statuses display on the editor, select the status and click Move Up or Move Down.
  9. Click Save.

What to do next

When you add a chat agent status, you must assign it to one of the default status types and then make it available through the Chat Agent Statuses section in profiles. See Add Chat Permissions to a Profile.