Add a Real-Time Chat Report to a Navigation Set

Add real-time chat reports so staff members can view a dashboard of their chat activity.

Before staff members chat with customers, we recommend that you add the applicable real-time chat reports to their navigation sets so they can view a dashboard of their chat activity. See Real-Time Reports and Dashboards.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Navigation Sets.
  3. Double-click the navigation set used by your agents.
  4. On the right side of the content pane, select Communication Center.
    All Communication Center items display in the lower portion.
  5. On the left side of the content pane, expand Public Reports/Service/Chat Reports/Real-Time Reports to open the folder with real-time chat reports.
  6. To configure the navigation set for agents, drag Chat Agent Home–Real Time from the left column and drop it in the lower portion of the right column.
  7. To configure the navigation set for supervisors, drag Chat Supervisor Home–Real Time from the left column and drop it in the lower portion of the right column.
  8. Click Save.

What to do next

The navigation set containing Chat Agent Home or Chat Supervisor Home must be selected in the Interfaces section on the Profile editor. See Add Chat Permissions to a Profile.