Change Your Chat Options

Visual and audible alerts are available to notify you when customers request to chat or when they update existing chat sessions. You can change certain settings to provide the most effective assistance possible.

  1. Click File and select Options > Communication Center to view chat options for the Service Console.
  2. Select chat notification options.

    Chat Notification Settings

    Field Description
    Incoming Chat Assignment Notification Incoming Chat Notification options apply only to new chat requests.
    Flash Window Select to flash the minimized window on the Windows task bar whenever a new chat arrives.

    This option is selected by default.

    Play Sound Select to enable an incoming sound alert whenever a new chat arrives.
    Show Toast Select to display a toast notification whenever a new chat request arrives.

    This option is selected by default.

    Incoming Chat Post Notification Incoming Chat Post Notification options apply only to existing chats that are updated by the customer.
    Flash Window Select to flash the minimized window on the Windows task bar whenever a chat is updated by the customer.

    This option is selected by default.

    Play Sound Select to enable sound alerts whenever the chat is updated by the customer.
    Color Window Select to change colors on the customer tab as time passes to alert you that you need to respond to the customer.

    This option is selected by default. If this option is not selected, a colored icon will display on the customer tab whenever the customer updates the chat session.

    Incoming Chat Assignment Control Incoming Chat Assignment Control options apply only to new chat requests.
    Maximum Active Chats Select a maximum number of active chat sessions for the Service Console, up to and including the number of maximum active chats set by your administrator for your profile. To change this setting, your profile must include permission to set maximum active chats. Click the up or down arrow to increase or decrease your maximum number of active chats.
    Stagger Incoming Chats (Seconds) This number represents the amount of time that elapses before you are offered another chat. Click the up arrow to increase seconds and click the down arrow to decrease seconds.
  3. Click OK to save your chat notification settings.