Log in to Chat

Log in to B2C Chat and view Chat–Real Time reports.

  1. Click Communication Center on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Chat Agent Home–Real Time or Chat Supervisor Home–Real Time in the navigation list.
    The dashboard opens on the content pane.
    The Chat Agent Home–Real Time dashboard refreshes every fifteen seconds or less, depending on server load. The following reports display on the Chat Agent Home dashboard.
    • Chat Agent Queue Snapshot—Shows the service statistics for each chat queue that the logged-in agent is assigned to.

    • My Chat Agent Statistics—Shows chat agents their basic chat statistics, including average response time, engaged time, and chats completed.

    • Current Chat Queue Statistics—Shows the service statistics for all of the chat queues.

    Note: If the Chat Agent Home–Real Time or Chat Supervisor Home–Real Time reports do not display in your navigation list, you can add it if you have the correct profile permission. See How You Customize Navigation and Configuration Lists.
  3. Click Login Chat on the Live Media bar.
  4. Click Agent Status and select Available.
    Your administrator can configure your profile so that you are automatically logged in and available to chat after logging in to B2C Service.