Add SmartAssistant Suggested Answers

Follow this procedure to add SmartAssistant suggested answers to a response.

  1. Click SmartAssistant on the Messages tab toolbar.
    A list of possible answers displays with columns for ID, Summary, Weight, Access, and Status. You can sort by any of the columns.
  2. To include the text of an answer in the response, click Add As Text in the Action column.
    The answer content is added to the response.
    Tip: You can also enter answer text if you know an answer ID by pressing F9 from the incident response on the Messages tab, entering the Answer ID number in the Append Answer Text window that opens, and pressing Enter. You can edit the answer text before sending the response.
  3. To add an answer URL link to the response, click Add As Link in the Action column.
  4. To view a suggested answer, click View in the Action column.
    The View Answer window opens, displaying the answer as it appears on the customer portal. (You can print the answer from this view by clicking the File menu item and selecting Print.)
  5. Click Close.