Add a Border to a Report

You can also add borders to a report from the Display Options window. Each border can have different colors, styles, and weights applied.

  1. From an open report, click the Page Setup tab.
  2. Click the button to the right of the Display group name.
  3. Click the Borders tab.
  4. Enter field information.

    Borders Tab

    Field Description


    Click this box to select a color for the border. See Change Colors.


    Click this drop-down list to select one of the following border styles: Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Inset, Outset, Double, Groove, Ridge, or Rounded.


    Click this drop-down list to select the width of the border in pixels. You can select values between 1 and 10 pixels.


    This area defines the placement of the borders you define. Click any button to place a border or click the area in the Preview white space where you want the border.

    Border buttons

    Click one of the border buttons to add the selected border attributes to the top, bottom, left, right, or all sides of the component. You can also add or remove borders from all sides of the component.

  5. Click OK.