Add a Question to a Survey

Adding questions is the most important part of creating your survey. You can add any questions already in Feedback or create questions as needed.

  1. Click Add a Question in the Page Tasks section.
    The Select Question window opens.
    Tip: You can also add questions by hovering over the Questions tab to the right of the Page Tasks section and then dragging a question from the list to the survey page. To make the Questions section easier to access, you can dock it to the Questionnaire tab by clicking the Auto Hide icon at the top of the Questions section.
  2. To add an existing question, select it from the list and click OK or double-click the question.
    To add multiple questions at the same time, press the Ctrl key while selecting each question you want to add. When you drag multiple questions to the survey page, they are added in the order in which they were selected.
  3. To create a new question, click New Survey Question.
    A window opens where you can create a question. After you save the new question, it appears in the questions list. See How Questions Work.
  4. To reorder questions on the page, drag each question to its new position.
  5. To open a question for editing, click Open.
  6. To remove a question from the survey page, click Remove.
  7. To move the question to another page of a multi-page questionnaire, click the arrow next to Remove and select Move. The Move Item window opens.
    1. Select a destination page from the list.
    2. Click the Before Item drop-down menu to select the question you want the moved question to come before.
    3. Click OK to move the question to the specified location.