Add a Report to a Dashboard

You can quickly add reports to a dashboard.

This procedure describes adding reports to the dashboard, but the same process is used to add any of the other items listed in the dashboard’s reports explorer.
  1. In the dashboard designer’s reports explorer, go to the report you want to add to the dashboard.
    You can quickly find reports by right-clicking a report folder in the reports explorer and selecting Search.
  2. Select the report and drag it to the dashboard.
  3. Drop the report on the design surface where you want the report to display.
    When you drag the report to the design surface, positioning images, shown here, appear. Hovering over the various images highlights portions of the design surface. After the section where you want the report is highlighted, drop the report. The design surface refreshes to show the updated dashboard layout.

    Dashboard Reports Positioning Icons

    Icon Description
    Entire Area icon group. Described in the text.

    Entire Area

    This icon group appears over the predefined dashboard section you’re hovering over when dragging a report. Hovering over the various icons in the group highlights different portions of the dashboard section where you can drop the report.

    You can hover over the center of the icon group to drop the report in the full dashboard section. You can also place the report in the top, bottom, left, or right portions of the dashboard section by hovering over the individual icons in the group.

    If you break up a predefined dashboard section when dropping your report onto the dashboard section, the dashboard’s layout is split into smaller areas.

    Top icon. Described in the text.

    Right icon. Described in the text. Bottom icon. Described in the text. Left icon. Described in the text.

    Area Buttons

    Drop a report over one of these icons to place the report in the top, right, bottom, or left areas of the dashboard.

  4. To modify the size of the area where you placed the report, hover over the area’s borders until the cursor changes to show direction arrows. You can then drag the borders to the position you want.
  5. Repeat these steps to add additional reports to the dashboard.
  6. Click Save.