Add a Report to a Report Control or Change a Report on a Relationship Item

You can add a report to a report control on a workspace. You can also change a report on a relationship item.

  1. From an open workspace or script, click the Insert Control tab.
  2. Click the report control or the relationship item containing a report and drag it to the design space where you want it.
  3. Click the control or relationship item on the workspace and click the Design tab. Configuration options for the report control display on the Options button group.
    Tip: You can also double-click an object on the design space to select the Design tab and access properties related to the object.
  4. Click Report to open the Select Report window.
  5. Select the report you want to add to the workspace and click OK.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: If you add a report control to a workspace without selecting a report for the control, you will not be able to save the workspace.