Add a State

This procedure explains how to add a state to the contact rule base. However, the steps are the same for adding states to any rule base.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, then double-click Rules.
  3. Click Contact to view active contact rules.
    When viewing active rules in a rule base, you see the rules that are currently used to manage contacts or other records on your site.
  4. Click Edit to enter the edit mode. Until you activate them, your site does not use the rules that you see in this mode.
  5. Right-click States, then select New State.
  6. Enter the name of the state in the State Name field.
    Choose meaningful names for states based on the processes you want to automate. For example, you might name the initial state Initial or Created. You can then name other states Updated, Work in Progress, Review, or whatever best describes the rules within the state.
  7. To add a note about the state, enter comments in the Notes field.
  8. To make this state the initial state, select the Initial State check box.
    You must have only one state designated as the initial state before you can compile the rule base.
  9. Click Save.
    The state appears in the Rules tree.
  10. To add more states, repeat steps 5-9.