Add or Edit a Currency

By adding currencies, you can define the currency associated with each country or province in your knowledge base.

If your organization conducts business outside of the United States, you might need to add foreign currencies to your knowledge base. You can add multiple currencies and set exchange rates for each. After you create currencies, you can assign a default currency to each staff account, and your staff members can use them to select the appropriate currency for contacts, organizations, and forecasts.

Note: You can add and edit currencies, but you cannot delete them.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Internationalization, and then double-click Currencies/Exchange Rates.
    The content pane displays the Currencies and Exchange Rates trees.
  3. To edit a currency, select the currency in the tree and go to step 7.
  4. To add a currency, click New and select Currency.
    The Installed Cultures list opens.

    When you select a culture, the Currency editor automatically populates with the associated culture information contained in the related region on you workstation. After you select a standard culture and save the currency, you cannot change the culture association.

    The list of installed cultures depends on the regions installed on your workstation and varies based on your operating system. You can see the list of installed regions by opening Region and Language Options in the Windows Control Panel. If the matching culture does not appear in the list, you can either add a custom currency or contact your organization’s information technology team and have the associated language pack installed on your workstation.

  5. To select a standard culture, double-click the culture that matches the currency.
    The Currency editor opens.
  6. To add a custom culture, double-click Custom Culture at the top of the Installed Cultures list.
    Tip: If you initially choose to create a custom culture, you can select a standard culture by editing the currency. This lets you associate a standard culture with the currency if the standard culture becomes available on your workstation.
  7. Enter field information.

    Currency Editor

    Field Description
    Names and Symbols


    Enter the name of the currency as it appears in the Currencies tree.

    English Name

    Enter the English name of the currency.

    Native Name

    Enter the name of the currency as it appears in the associated country.


    Enter the symbol that represents the currency you are adding. For example, the symbol for the United States dollar is $.

    You may need to use your operating system character-mapping feature to determine the keystrokes for entering symbols that do not appear on your keyboard.


    Enter three letters to represent the currency. For example, USD is the currency code for the United States dollar.

    Use Code

    Select this check box to use the three-letter currency code instead of the symbol to represent the currency.

    Currency Formats

    Decimal (Dec.) Precision

    Click this drop-down list to select decimal precision, which defines the number of digits displayed after the decimal symbol. For example, the decimal for the United States dollar is two decimal places ($123.44).

    Decimal (Dec.) Separator

    Enter a symbol to represent the decimal place. For example, the decimal separator for the United States dollar is a period ($678.99).

    Digit Grouping

    Click this drop-down list to select a digit-grouping format.

    Group Separator

    Enter the symbol used to separate digit groups. For example, the digit grouping separator for the United States dollar is a comma ($1,234,567.99).

    Positive Format

    Select a format to represent positive currency.

    Negative Format

    Select a format to represent negative currency.


    Positive Example

    Enter the number you want used in the positive currency example.

    Negative Example

    Enter the number you want used in the negative currency example.

    Interface Visibility


    Enter the currency label as you want it to appear on each interface.


    Select the check box for each interface where you want the currency to appear.

  8. Click Save.