Add or Edit Exchange Rates

After you add currencies, you can add and edit exchange rates.

Before you start

Currencies must be created before adding exchange rates. See Add or Edit a Currency.

If your organization conducts business outside of the United States, you might need to add foreign currencies to your knowledge base. You can add multiple currencies and set exchange rates for each. Keeping currencies and the associated exchange rates up-to-date helps your sales representatives provide the most accurate quotes for customers.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Internationalization, and then double-click Currencies/Exchange Rates.
    The content pane displays the Currencies and Exchange Rates trees.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add exchange rates, click New and select Exchange Rate.
    • To edit exchange rates, click the date in the tree.
    The Exchange Rate editor opens.
  4. Enter field information.

    Exchange Rates Editor

    Field Description
    Start Date The Start Date becomes the name of the exchange rate in the tree. Enter the date that the exchange rates take effect or click the drop-down calendar and select a start date.

    The start date can be a past date but not a future date.

    Rates Enter exchange rates in this table. The number in the table cell is the multiplier used to convert the currency in the first column to the currency in the corresponding column.
  5. Click Save.
As shown in this image, one U.S. dollar (USD) is equivalent to 1.10154 Canadian dollars (CAD), 5.94126 Croatian kunas (HRK), 0.78517 euro (EUR), and 0.96471 Australian dollars (AUD). Similarly, to convert other currency to U.S. dollars, multiply the number of Canadian dollars by 0.98406, the number of Croatian kunas by 0.16833, the number of euros by 1.27264, and the number of Australian dollars by 1.03650.

This image shows exchange rates and is described in the text that precedes it.