Add or Edit a Price Schedule

Multiple price schedules provide greater flexibility for pricing sales products.

You may price a sales product differently for preferred customers, or you may have various price schedules for customers in different countries.

Because products in the product catalog can have an associated price schedule, you should add price schedules before you add sales products.

Note: The Delete option is not available for price schedules that are associated with sales products. If you want to delete a price schedule associated with a sales product, first edit the sales product to remove the price schedule association.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Sales in the configuration list, and then double-click Price Schedules.
    The Price Schedules tree displays on the content pane.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a price schedule, click New to display the editor.
    • To edit a price schedule, click it in the tree.
  4. Enter field information.

    Price Schedules Editor

    Field Description
    *Price Schedule Name Enter the name of the price schedule. The item name in the Price Schedules tree on the left side of the content pane and the corresponding field under the Label column in the Interface Visibility section are populated or revised as you type.
    Disabled Select this check box to prevent the price schedule from appearing in the Price Schedule drop-down list when selecting a price schedule for a sales product.
    *Currency Click this drop-down list and select a currency. Currency options are added to the Currencies/Exchange Rates editor.
    Notes Enter any notes you want to add to the price schedule.
    Interface Visibility Clear the check box if you do not want the sales product to be visible on the interface.
  5. Click Save.