Add or Edit a Product

Add or edit a product to narrow customer search results on the customer portal.

The following procedure describes working with products, but the procedures to add and edit categories and dispositions are identical. Simply replace product information with category or disposition information where appropriate.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
    The content pane displays separate columns for products, categories, and dispositions.
    Note: By default, the editor displays all three columns, indicated by the highlighted Products, Categories, and Dispositions buttons in the Show group on the ribbon. To hide one or more columns, click the associated button so that it is no longer active. The column is removed from the editor until you click the button again or until you close and reopen the editor.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a product, click in the Products column and click New.
    • To edit a product, right-click it and select Edit.
    Tip: To add a product at the same level as a selected product, right-click the product and select Add Sibling. To add a subproduct, right-click and select Add Child.
  4. Enter the name of the product in the Name field.
    The word you enter in the Name field is a keyword for all answers associated with this product. When customers search by the product name, all answers associated with this product are returned.
  5. To make the product visible to staff members working with incidents, select Administration.
    Regardless of interface or visibility settings, all service products and categories are visible when adding or editing answers on any interface.
  6. To make the product visible to customers on the customer portal, select End-user. (The End-user check box is not available when adding or editing dispositions.)
    Selecting the visibility settings for a parent level does not automatically set the same settings for the parent sublevels. Visibility must be set individually for each. You can also make subproducts visible even if the parent product is not visible.
    Note: For Knowledge Advanced customers, visibility of products and categories depend on how items are configured in Knowledge Advanced.
  7. To enter a description for the product, click Description and enter it in the Description field.
  8. Click Save.
    The product appears in the Products column.