Add a Subproduct

Add a subproduct to narrow customer search results on the customer portal.

The following procedure describes working with products, but the procedures to add and edit categories and dispositions are identical. Simply replace product information with category or disposition information where appropriate.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
    The content pane displays separate columns for products, categories, and dispositions.
    Note: By default, the editor displays all three columns, indicated by the highlighted Products, Categories, and Dispositions buttons on the Show group on the ribbon. To hide one or more columns, click the associated button so that it is no longer active. The column is removed from the editor until you click the button again or until you close and reopen the editor.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the product you want to add the subproduct to and select Add Child.
    • Select the product you want to add the subproduct to and click New > Child on the ribbon.
    The New Product window opens.
  4. Enter the name of the subproduct in the Name field.
  5. To enter information about the subproduct, click Description and enter it in the Description field.
  6. Select each visibility check box where you want the subproduct to appear.
  7. Click Save.
    The subproduct appears below the product you added it to.
    Note: You can also define a subordinate relationship by dragging one product and dropping it onto another product. See Change the Order of a Product, Category, or Disposition.