Change the Order of a Product, Category, or Disposition

You can reorder products, categories, and dispositions as necessary, including creating subordinate relationships.

You cannot move an item when another item of the same type is open on the editor. For example, if you are editing a product, you cannot move any other product until you close the product editor.

The following procedure describes working with products, but the procedures to reorder categories and dispositions are identical. Simply replace product information with category or disposition information where appropriate.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Products/Categories/Dispositions.
    The content pane displays separate columns for products, categories, and dispositions.
  3. Select the product you want to move and hold down the mouse button or other pointing device.
  4. Drag it to its new position in the Products column. If you want to make the product a subproduct of another product, drag it onto the other product.
  5. Release the mouse button.