Add or Edit an Incident Stopword

Incident stopwords are common words that are excluded from incident indexing and searching.

Service can suggest incident stopwords based on an analysis of incidents. You can then look at the list of suggested stopwords on the Edit Incident Stopword list. Suggested stopwords are commented out unless you decide to include them in the incident stopword list.

Note: Incident stopwords can also be managed through the File Manager using the exclude_incidents.txt file. See Manage Files with the File Manager.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service > Knowledge Base, and then double-click Incident Stopwords to review incident stopwords.
    The Incident Stopwords editor displays on the content pane and suggested stopwords are listed in the Suggested Additions box.
  3. Select the stopwords in the Suggested Additions box and click the top double-right arrow to add the words to the Active list.
    The words you select are highlighted.
  4. To add an additional stopword, enter the word in the text box on the Active list and click Add New.
  5. To remove a stopword from the list, click the word in the Active list and click the double-left arrow.
    The word is added to the Removals box, where it is highlighted.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: Oracle Cloud Operations must run the Keywordindexer utility before your changes to the stopwords list are active. To schedule this, Submit a Service Request.