Add or Edit Standard Text

Provide standard text that your agents can use to save time, eliminate errors, and respond with consistent information in incident responses, chat sessions, and answers. You can also organize standard text using folders.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Standard Text.
    The Standard Text tree displays on the left side of the content pane.
  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • To add standard text, click New.
    • To edit standard text, select it in the tree.
      Tip: You can search for standard text by expanding the arrow next to Search at the bottom of the tree.
    The Standard Text editor displays on the right side of the content pane.
  4. Enter field information.

    Standard Text Editor

    Field Description


    Enter the name of the standard text. The item name in the Standard Text tree on the left side of the content pane populates or updates as you type.


    Enter the keyboard shortcut letters, numbers, or both in this field. This lets agents quickly insert standard text by pressing F8 and the keyboard shortcut when working on an incident or during a chat session.

    To find a keyboard shortcut, hover over a standard text response in the tree.


    Select at least one of the following check boxes for the standard text type.

    Rule Text

    Select this check box to include the standard text as a rule action.

    Chat Text

    Select this check box to make this text available to agents during a chat session.

    This check box displays only when Chat is enabled.

    Incident Text

    Select this check box to include this text in the Standard Text list when adding or editing an incident.

    Chat URL

    Select this check box to make this URL available to agents during a chat session. Agents can send the URL to customers, which opens a browser that displays the URL.

    This check box displays only when Chat is enabled.


    Select the appropriate option for adding standard text in plain text or HTML format.

    If both plain text and HTML versions of a standard text entry are available, the HTML version displays, by default, in the Preview section on the Standard Text window.


    Select this option to add the standard text in plain text.


    Select this option to add standard text in HTML. For information on how HTML fields in standard text display in responses, see Answer ID 1434

    All standard text images must be referenced by URL.


    Click this button to select a variable defined on the Variables editor. See Add or Edit a Variable.


    Click this button to select from the list of system-defined variables. When the standard text is appended, the variable is replaced with the related data.

    If you enter the period mark ( . ) immediately after the variable, and then an alphabetic character, the period becomes part of the variable name.

    SmartAssistant Solutions

    Select this option to append the SmartAssistant Solutions variable. $solutions populates in the Value text box.

    Response Link

    Select this option to append the Response Link variable. $response_link populates in the Value text box.


    Click the Incidents drop-down list and then select one of the variables on the list. For the list of available standard content variables, see Answer ID 6529. Custom fields and attributes defined in your system are also on the list.

    For a description of the standard content variables on the list, see the Incidents table information in the Data Dictionary (Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary).


    Click the Contacts drop-down list and then select one of the variables on the list. For the list of available standard content variables, see Answer ID 6529. Custom fields and attributes defined in your system are also on the list.

    For a description of the standard content variables on the list, see the Contacts table information in the Data Dictionary (Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary).


    Click the Orgs drop-down list and then select one of the variables on the list. For the list of available standard content variables, see Answer ID 6529. Custom fields and attributes defined in your system are also on the list.

    For a description of the standard content variables on the list, see the Organizations table information in the Data Dictionary (Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary).

    Comment Enter a description or instructions to help your agents who are working on the Agent Browser User Interface understand how to use the standard text.
    Note: This field does not display on the Service Console. It displays only on the Agent Browser UI.

    Interface Visibility

    Select the individual interfaces where you want to display the standard text.

    All interfaces are selected by default. You can prevent standard text from appearing on all interfaces by clearing the Select All check box.

  5. To add folders or organize items and folders in the Standard Text tree, see Add Folders and Folders and Items in the Tree.
  6. Click Save.
    Caution: You can delete standard text at any time by selecting the standard text entry in the tree and clicking Delete on the ribbon. However, when you delete standard text, all instances of the standard text will also be deleted.