Add or Edit a Variable

A variable is a predefined shortcut for entering a long string of text when adding an answer, responding to an incident, engaging in a chat session, or creating standard text. You can add or edit variables from the Variables editor.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Service, and then double-click Variables.
    The Variables tree displays on the left side of the content pane.
  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • To add a variable, click New.
    • To edit a variable, select the variable in the tree.
      Tip: You can search for variables by expanding the arrow next to Search at the bottom of the tree.
    The Variables editor displays on the right side of the content pane.
  4. Enter field information.

    Variables Editor

    Field Description


    Enter the name of the variable. The item name in the Variables tree on the left side of the content pane is populated or revised as you type.

    Variable names cannot include spaces. We recommend using an underscore character (_).

    Search Indexable

    Select this check box to index the text for searching on the customer portal.


    Select the interfaces where this variable can be used.

    Value for Interface

    Enter the text of the variable. Variables are case sensitive.

  5. To add folders or organize items and folders in the Variables tree, see Add Folders and Folders and Items in the Tree.
  6. To view answers that are dependent on the variable, click Dependencies.
    The Dependencies button is available only when you edit a variable.
  7. To delete a variable, select the variable in the tree and click Delete.
    The system performs a dependency check and any answers that contain the variable display on the Dependency Conflict window.
    1. To delete all instances of the variable, click Yes. Otherwise, update the applicable answers before deleting the variable.
  8. Click Save.